

手織綿スカーフ Handwoven cotton scarf TSUBAKI 椿

古くから日本人に愛されてきた花、椿。英名カメリア。豊臣秀吉が茶席でしばしば用いたことで、茶道において重要な位置を占めるようになる。 19世紀には園芸植物として欧州でも流行し、可憐ながら凛としたその姿は、世界中で広く愛されるモチーフとなる。

“TSUBAKI, camellia, has been loved by Japanese people from old days. General Hideyoshi Toyotomi often used camellia in his tea ceremony, and became important position in the art of tea ceremony. It was prevailed throughout Europe for gardening plant in 19th century. The flower has both pretty and commanding appearance, and loved widely as motif through the world.

厚手スカーフ / Thicker
¥ 3,850(ex. ¥3,500)
薄手スカーフ / Thinner
¥ 3,850(ex. ¥3,500)
帽子 / Hat
¥ 4,950(ex. ¥4,500)
Arrives in the spring 2025



*If you purchase 20 or more at the same time, the wholesale price will be applied. Please contact us from this page.

手織綿スカーフ Handwoven cotton scarf TSUBAKI 椿

厚手 Thicker

薄手 Thinner

We are full of gratitude to meet you all !!
We pray that this situation will settle as soon as possible and that God will bless the health of you, your family and your friends. Hope to see you someday on the path of Philosophy of cherry blossoms in full bloom.


店舗情報:Store Location

〒606-8405 京都市左京区上南田町85-2
85-2 Kamiminamida-cho Sakyo-ku Kyoto 6068405 JAPAN

OPEN only Spring and Autumn at 10:00 - 17:00
Please check Facebook or contact us for store details.

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