

手織綿スカーフ Handwoven cotton scarf TSUBAKI 蒲公英

生命力の強い植物で、ほかの植物が枯れてしまう厳しい環境下でも生息できる。 春になると黄色い花を咲かせ、綿毛の付いた種子を作る。 古典円教植物のひとつで江戸時代幕末には園芸化され、当時の将軍をはじめ愛好家によって様々な品種が作られたりした。

TANPOPO, which means dandelion, has a very strong life force and can live under the severe environment like other plants cannot survive. In spring time, it blooms small yellow flowers and produce seeds like fluffy parachutes. It modified in Edo period (1603-1868) and developed uniquely in Japan. In the end of the period it was developed as art field and various kinds of tandelions created by fanciers including generals.

厚手スカーフ / Thicker
¥ 3,850(ex. ¥3,500)
薄手スカーフ / Thinner
¥ 3,850(ex. ¥3,500)
帽子 / Hat
¥ 4,950(ex. ¥4,500)
Arrives in the spring 2025



*If you purchase 20 or more at the same time, the wholesale price will be applied. Please contact us from this page.

手織綿スカーフ Handwoven cotton scarf TSUBAKI 蒲公英

厚手 Thicker

薄手 Thinner

We are full of gratitude to meet you all !!
We pray that this situation will settle as soon as possible and that God will bless the health of you, your family and your friends. Hope to see you someday on the path of Philosophy of cherry blossoms in full bloom.


店舗情報:Store Location

〒606-8405 京都市左京区上南田町85-2
85-2 Kamiminamida-cho Sakyo-ku Kyoto 6068405 JAPAN

OPEN only Spring and Autumn at 10:00 - 17:00
Please check Facebook or contact us for store details.

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